Thursday, January 20, 2011


This was a post that I put on my other blog shortly after we lost our precious Hazel. I thought it was appropriate to re-post here.

In the midst of dealing with the grief of losing our precious Hazel we are moving our family across town! It was yet another unexpected "gift" from God. I have decided to call these things "gifts" to honor God and make sure that I remember that it is His plan not mine and even though I may not always like the "gift" I have been given it was given to me out of love. I have to believe that losing Hazel and making this difficult move is all part of a bigger plan, a way to bring me closer to God and make us all realize that without Him we are nothing, we NEED Him!

I have turned to God in a way that I never have before, a way that I didn't know I could. Shortly after losing Hazel I found Angie Smith's book, Carry Me. Angie is a beautiful person with an amazing faith in the Lord. I have only encountered one other person who has shown this kind of faith to me and those around her, my grandmother Donna Baer. Grandma Baer has always been the pillar of faith in our family and everyday I am more thankful to have her in my life. My grandmother and Angie are amazing women and I am striving to obtain that kind of faith, the kind that will carry me through the difficult times and make the celebrations mean that much more! I have begun to form the personal relationship with God that we are all called to have, I am praying in a way that means so much more to me than just asking for God to "fix" the broken things in my life. I have taken the time to just be quiet and admire God for all He is, for all He has done and all He can do.

Know that today I am praying for you too, for all the babies that have left this earth too soon. I am praying for peace for all the Mama's and Daddies who are grieving those little ones. I pray that our children are playing at the feet of our Lord, perfect little babies watching over us waiting for the day we can again hold them in our arms.

I think I am closer to "that" kind of faith than I ever thought I was possible for me. I am so blessed to have people in my life that are so encouraging and who I feel truly do love me. So tonight I am thanking God for these people (you know who you are!!) and hoping that God can impact their hearts the way he has mine.

Much Love,

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